Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Irish Beauty

Here's the little boy's sister - I gather shes's the boss! Unfortunately I couldn't avoid the reflections of the wet paint when taking the photograph. But you get an idea...

Irish Beauty by Liza Hirst

Painting of the day
15 cm x 15 cm / 5,9" x 5,9"
oil on canvas panel - Öl auf Malplatte - huile sur carton entoilé
sold - verkauft - vendu


Anonymous said...

Great portraits !
I can only presume you are completely booked by people commissioning you do do their portraits !!!
If not - this is your chance folks.

Liza Hirst said...

Thank you very much, Philip!
Are you the one I presume you are?
I'm hoping to show these paintings
among others in an exhibition of portraits starting Sunday. Let's see what comes out of it.