Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vineyards in the Bergeracois, France

Vineyards in the Bergeracois by Liza Hirst

oil on canvas panel - Öl auf Malplatte - huile sur carton entoilé
15 cm x 15 cm / 5,9" x 5,9"
Buy it here

Well, looks like I will be painting these landscapes for a little longer, as they do help me to loosen up. Actually I always start fairly loose with bold brushstrokes (even with paintings that end up very tight). Then somewhere along the way I get drawn into the details, which has in parts also been the case with these last landscapes but at the moment I'm trying really hard to focus on colors and values and nothing else. So when I notice I'm going too far again, I take a bigger brush and bravely cover up all the details with one big splash (as far as that is possible on this small format!). AND - it is soo liberating! AND - it is mostly for the better!
Ps: "Splash" seems a bit exaggerated but I don't know which word would be more suitable...


Heidi Malott said...

Great hearing from you Liza! I've missed keeping touch with my painting friends! It feels great to be painting again. I feel a bit rusty. I too try to stay loose but it is so easy to go too far and tighten up. These landscapes are wonderful and very inspiring.

Barbara Muir said...

HI Liza,

I like the word splash. I am going to try your technique. If I can. I seem to be a detail person lately.

Beautiful work.


Liza Hirst said...

Hi Heidi,
I think you're doing very well for someone who hasn't painted in a while! But of course, I know exactly what you mean. Pleased you like my landscapes!

Liza Hirst said...

Hi Barbara,
It's definitely fun and I am learning, learning, learning.
But now I want to try to get more decisive with my splashes -- they are still to unconfident.
Will be interesting to hear (and see) what you do with "splashes"...