Friday, September 07, 2007

Blowing Curtain

Blowing Curtain by Liza Hirst

Painting of the day
15 cm x 15 cm / 5,9" x 5,9"
oil on canvas panel - Öl auf Malplatte - huile sur carton entoilé
sold - verkauft - vendu


Edward B. Gordon said...

those impresions are getting better and better Liza, wonderful !

wanda knight said...

Liza, this painting is so fine. I like the sunlight coming through the dark shadows.

Cooper Dragonette said...

Wonderful light and handling of greens (which I think is the toughest color).

Liza Hirst said...

Thanks to all of you. I enjoyed painting this very much - and, Cooper, I LOVE green - and painting it, too!