oil on canvas - Öl auf Leinwand - huile sur toile
40 cm x 50 cm / 15,7" x 19,8"
sold - verkauft - vendu
This is one of three landscapes that I was commissioned to paint after the photographs of a Dutch couple, that they took on their wonderful trip to Patagonia and the west coast of the United States. I finished the third and last of this series today and am happy and relieved that this commission is finally done.Will show you the other two in the coming days.
How beautiful Liza! My son just got back from a trip to Patagonia too. He stood on a pure turquoise glacier.
What a superb painter you are!
Wow, so magnificent! Beautiful painting here and quite thrilling subject manner. Thanks for letting us see this series, Liza! Inspiring work - makes me want to go out and climb a mountain...
Superb, so beautifully painted.
Hi Barbara, I am pleased you like it - it was difficult to paint because I actually had to combine two photographs in the painting. The sun had gone when they took the photograph from further away, so the second range of mountains was a non descript dark blurr. I learned a lot from this!
Great for your son that he had the opportunity to visit that beautiful area!
Dear Aliaena,
I am so pleased to hear from you again! Thank you for leaving your kind comment. I hope you are well and had a nice holiday!
Thank you, Chris! I am very pleased you like it!
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