Friday, September 10, 2010

Danish Design

Danish Design by Liza Hirst

oil on canvas panel - Öl auf Malplatte - huile sur carton entoilé
15 cm x 15 cm / 5,9" x 5,9"
Buy it here


Barbara Muir said...

Superb painting Liza,

Danish design looks a lot like Italian design. Spare, geometrical.
I love the painting. In real life I'm the deep, comfy couch type. Or as Monty Python used to have the Spanish Inquisition threatening --
"The Comfy Chair! -- No! Not The Comfy Chair!"

Love the purple,grey paint. So sure and dramatic.


Liza Hirst said...

Hi Barbara,

Yes, Danish design has always been very clear, which I do like, although I also like the comfy style.
This is my mum's living room, btw. and I hope to inherit that sofa one of these days...

Thank you, Barbara!

PizzakartonArt said...

Ein wunderbares Bild, ich mag die Kombination von realistischem Ansatz und Abstraktion und dann noch der integrierte Schatten...toll!
Gruss Helen