Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Rainy Day

Rainy Day by Liza Hirst

Unfortunately the weather in England is quite different to France, but at least these
incredibly dark clouds lend themselves to a good picture. I saw them last Sunday in Tunbridge Wells, a nice place in Kent, south of London.

oil on canvas panel - Öl auf Malplatte - huile sur carton entoilé
12 cm x 18 cm / 4,72" x 7"


Barbara Muir said...

Gorgeous painting. Love the colour contrast and use of space. Is the weather better or worse than France in England?


Liza Hirst said...

What do you think, Barbara?
Unfortunately quite a bit worse - haven't seen much sun here yet and temperatures are very moderate if not to say fresh...
I am pleased you like the painting and thank you for your kind comment!