Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Little Thinker

Last but not least the serious one of the trio.
I always find it fascinating how different brothers and sisters turn out
to be although they're all from the same parents.
And how clearly you can see their personality even at this young age!
Now that I've finished them, I thinkI will miss them a bit.

Little Thinker by Liza Hirst

Painting of the day
15 cm x 15 cm / 5,9" x 5,9"
oil on canvas panel - Öl auf Malplatte - huile sur carton entoilé
sold - verkauft - vendu


Edward B. Gordon said...

soon they will have to introduce the congestion charge in the south of France, all those people waiting to get there portrait done by you Liza, brilliant !!!

annechovie said...

Patricia, these portraits are really amazing! I am very impressed with your versatility. This is my favorite of the three.

Liza Hirst said...

I hope you're right, Edward. I'm ready!(Might have to do some tidying before, though...) Thank you very much.

Liza Hirst said...

Thank you, Anne. I do like painting portraits! It's such a challenge trying to capture the person's expression.